Many times people think that fast-acting rodent bait means a larger amount of active ingredients, the “more is better” way of thinking. When it comes to rodenticides with an active ingredient like Bromethalin in our Top Gun™ Baits, this is not the case.
Top Gun™ Bait is a product that disrupts energy at a cellular level, causing the rodent to become weaker over a 48-hour period. In a poisoned rodent, fluid builds up around the nerves which results in paralysis and death.
The great thing about this type of bait is that the rodent begins to feel the effects within the first 12 hours or less, so it doesn’t feel like consuming more bait as with second generation anticoagulants where a rodent can feed up to 3 days. Less rodenticide in the blood and stomach of the rodent means less risk of secondary poisoning for non-targets. On average, a mouse can consume just 2.5 grams (a rat 7-8 grams) for a lethal dose; for the most part that’s just a single feeding.
When it comes to secondary poisoning, larger animal needs to consume large amounts of Top Gun™ Bait for a lethal effect. If a cat or dog consumes a dead rodent, they’re not likely to be poisoned. This is good news for the PMP whose customers are now demanding lower-risk products.
For more information, visit and review the label and MSDS sheets for our Top Gun™ baits.
James Rodriguez
Western Territory Manager
J.T. Eaton Co., Inc.
(818) 640-4587